Rewild the land

We have undertaken a rainforest regeneration program to rewild the land, with the hope to bring things back to how they used to be. From 2021, we have removed all cattle and have planted almost 40,000 rainforest trees to encourage biodiversity of natural habitat.

Circa back 130 years ago, the NSW Northern Rivers was covered with lush subtropical rainforest, known as the “Big Scrub”. When the Government of the day issued 100-acre blocks through a ballad system, the proviso was that 100% of these blocks were to be cleared of rainforest and turned into pastures for cattle grazing within four years. Sadly, this results in only 1% of the original rainforest remaining today.

Byron View Farm couples will have a rainforest tree planted in their honour in the Northern Rivers district. This is made possible by the team at Reforest Now, a local not-for-profit organisation we very proudly work alongside.


A rainforest tree will be planted in the Northern Rivers by Reforest Now, in honour of all couples who are married at Byron View Farm
